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Late Start

Late Start Courses

Did you miss out on the start of the Spring Semester but still want to attend? Did you drop a class but would like to pick up another? Then the Spring 2023 Late Start Session is your Second Shot!

Late Start runs from Feb. 3 through May 14.

To view the latest Late Start offerings: Visit the course search page and type in “late” in the “By Course Title” search box.

7 Week Courses

GCC offers 7-week courses vs. the traditional 16 week semester. With 7-week courses you can complete a fulltime course load at a part-time pace. For example, students can take two classes per 8 weeks, which equates to 4 classes per traditional 16 week semester.

1st 7 Week Session Jan. 23 - March 11

2nd 7 Week Session March 20 - May 6

To view 7 Week offerings: Visit the course search page and type in “1st 7” or “2nd 7” in the “By Course Title” search box.