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PASSport to Success

PASSport to Success

Are you ready to get on the road towards academic success? The PASSport to Success Program is a grant-funded career and personal development initiative designed to provide the strategies and tools to help minority students become more effective and successful in the classroom.

To participate in the PASSport to Success Program, you must be a minority student and have a GPA below a 2.0.  You must also be ready and willing to put in the work to achieve your full academic potential.

The program offers students academic coaching, career development and planning, tutoring, workshops, and mentoring sessions. In addition, students have the option of taking an IDS* I114 course especially designed for them!

Students will also have the opportunity to interact with Student Services personnel who can assist them with academic advising, financial aid workshops, and course selection and registration.Passport Logo

In addition, students will receive a welcome gift bag and will be invited to attend our Success Dinner at the end of the semester!

Ready for this change?  Then click here to apply!

Students will be selected on a space available basis and will be required to participate in a brief interview prior to acceptance.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please email PASS at .

We look forward to helping you succeed,

The PASSport to Success Team