Email Policy
Email Policy
Electronic Communication Policy
The following email settings were enforced on 4/10/2020:
- O365 Junk Filtering was enabled- to enhance junk email capability;
- was removed from both the Safe Senders List and the Blocked Senders List- using Safe Senders and Blocked Senders bypassed email security protocols;
- Keep a copy of forwarded messages was enabled and- which ensures that any message you forward leaves a copy in your email box;
- Only Trust Emails on My Safe Sender List was disabled- again, to enforce email security protocols
And on 06/02/2020 the following email settings will be enforced:
- Email Auto Forwarding will be disabled- This only disables the automatic forwarding of emails to a personal email address. You can still forward individual emails as needed;
- Clutter will be disabled;
- Trust Email from My Contacts will be disabled- To enforce email security protocols;
- All Domains, such as,, etc., will be removed from the Safe Senders List; Again, to enforce email security protocols
Note: These email settings will be reset periodically, as needed, to ensure they are set properly.
In addition, on June 2, 2020, Banner and BlackBoard systems will be modified such that neither students, faculty nor staff will be able to change their preferred email address on these systems, which will be automatically populated/repopulated with their assigned CSCU email address. A reminder, all college related communication must occur through the college email system. Please see section 6 in the attached policy for additional details.
For more information on all these topics, please review our O365 Email Security FAQs.
An announcement regarding this change has been placed on the following sites: