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Interested in Suicide Prevention? Click here for more information.
QPR (Question, Persuade and Refer) curriculum is nationally recognized by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations as a "Best Practices" program. The program goal is to train faculty, staff, students, administrators, parents, and community members in how to effectively recognize and refer persons in distress to campus and community resources.
- The training is an interactive presentation incorporating the basic QPR core curriculum, interactive case study, and opportunity for questions and discussion.
- Informational handouts are provided to program participants to be useful in both their work and personal lives.
- The QPR presentation and materials are FREE.
As a result of QPR training:
- You will be able to recognize a crisis and the warning signs that someone may be contemplating suicide.
- You will be able to recognize the warning signs of suicide and how to apply three steps (question, persuade, and refer) with individuals in distress.
- You will have the skills to act with confidence to make a difference and save a life.
If you would like more information about QPR training, please email Wellness Center at
View Dates & Sign Up for QPR Training
Participants must register in advance.
1. Register through www.timecenter.com/ gatewaycc/
2. Click on the ”QPR Training” title to register
3. Fill out the necessary information