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Definitions of Terminology

Definitions of Terminology

What is Sexual Assault or Sexual Misconduct?

Sexual misconduct incorporates a range of behaviors including sexual assault, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, stalking, voyeurism, and any other conduct of a sexual nature that is nonconsensual, or has the purpose or effect of threatening, intimidating, or coercing a person.

Sexual harassment includes requests for sexual favors, sexual advances or other sexual conduct when (1) submission is either explicitly or implicitly a condition affecting academic or employment decisions; (2) the behavior is sufficiently severe or pervasive as to create an intimidating, hostile or repugnant environment; or (3) the behavior persists despite objection by the person to whom the conduct is directed.

Sexual Assault is compelling by force, or the threat of force, the following: (1) Sexual penetration of the vagina or anus, including by a finger or an object; (2) Oral sex; (3) Contact with a person’s genital area, groin, anus, inner thighs, buttocks, or breasts for the purpose of sexual gratification of the actor or for the purpose of degrading or humiliating the victim; (4) Subjecting another to such sexual contact without consent.

Sexual Assault is a crime and will not be tolerated at GCC. See GCC’s Statement Regarding Sexual Violence

What is Interpersonal Violence?

Interpersonal Violence occurs when one person uses power and control over another through physical, sexual, or emotional threats or actions, economic control, isolation, or other kinds of coercive behavior. Some types of interpersonal violence are:

Domestic/Family Violence means an incident resulting in physical harm, bodily injury or assault, or an act of threatened violence that constitutes fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury or assault, including, but not limited to, stalking or a pattern of threatening, between family or household members. (C.G.S. § 46b-38a)

Dating/Relationship Violence occurs when one intimate or romantic partner tries to maintain power and control over the other through words and actions that are physically and emotionally abusive. Dating violence can take many forms including physical violence, coercion, threats, intimidation, isolation, and emotional, sexual or economic abuse.

Sexual Violence is any type of sexual activity that a person does not agree to. It includes sexual assault; sexual exploitation; stalking; sexual harassment; voyeurism; exposure; and sexual activity resulting from emotional coercion.

What is Consent?

  • Person must be old enough to consent. The age of consent in Connecticut is 16 years of age.
  • Agreeing to specific sexual behavior willingly.
  • Consent is active; both parties say “yes”.
  • Consent is ongoing and can be withdrawn at any time without fear or explanation.
  • Obtaining consent is the responsibility of the individual initiating the sexual contact
  • Consent is a must for every form of sexual activity every time. A person has the right to withdraw consent even if that person has consented to sexual activity with that individual in the past.
  • Consent is not valid if there is force, threats, intimidation, or coercion used.
  • Consent is not valid when judgment is impaired by the use of alcohol /drugs or if the person not initiating is sleeping or unconscious.

Connecticut State Law is clear that having sexual intercourse with someone who cannot consent is rape.